9th - 12th Grade
Our faculty for the upper school encourages students to achieve academic excellence, strong study skills, and the development of a strong faith. Christian character, integrity and a compassionate spirit are also priorities. The upper school promotes creativity, and a student's accountability. SUA prepares the student for life beyond our campus, whether in college, trade school or a career. If you're a prospective family, you may schedule a tour or begin the enrollment process by calling 334-213-0803. In the 2014-2015 academic year, SUA graduated a senior class of 75, the largest in its history. Enrollment for both lower and upper campuses topped 350 students.
Curricula and Textbook Information
Abeka, Bob Jones, Houghton-Mifflin, Silver Burdette Gin, and Glencoe
High school courses follow state requirements for graduation and Bible
Electives including visual art, Bible, drama, foreign languages, media, music, psychology, and speech
Enrichment activities and honors classes offered
Individualized education provided for any student requiring extra assistance
ACT plus 24 Carnegie units/credits are required for graduation
9th-12th Grades (basic supply list):
Individual teachers may have specific supplies they will ask for during the first week of school.
Paper, pens, pencils, subject binders for each class, dividers, lined notebook paper, Bible, backpack, highlighters, organizer/planner, 2 boxes of tissue, 2 rolls of paper towels, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 2 containers of Lysol/Clorox disinfecting wipes.
SUA'S High School Requirements
Success Unlimited follows the State of Alabama Education Department's high school diploma guidelines. The guidelines require the following credits to earn an accredited high school diploma.
4 credits - English Language Arts
4 credits - Math
4 credits - Science
4 credits - Social Studies
1 credit - Physical Education
0.5 credit - Health
0.5 credit - Career Preparedness
0.5 credit - Fine Arts
5.5 credits - Electives (1 credit must
include Bible course –SUA required)
Electives include Visual Arts, Bible, Drama, Foreign Languages, Media, Music, Psychology, and Speech
Mid-Semester Transfer
If you are interested in transferring to SUA mid-semester, we must have the following:
Transcript from previous school
Withdrawal Papers
Immunization Records
SUA Honor Code
The SUA Honor Code is based on personal and academic honesty and integrity. The primary objective of the SUA Honor Code is to encourage and promote honorable and ethical behavior of all students. Violations of the honor code will be addressed by the Behavioral Academic Research Team (BART).
Academic Integrity
As a part of the SUA Honor Code, SUA does not condone a student using the work of another student and claiming it as his/her own. Doing so is considered a form of cheating. This shows a lack of personal integrity and confidence. Copying any assignment of another student is considered cheating.Students should neither give nor receive assistance on homework, quizzes, tests or exams except as authorized by their teacher. If a student is found to be cheating, the student will be given a grade of zero on their assignments and will be suspended one school day. All missed classwork, homework, tests, and quizzes assigned during suspension will receive a zero.
College Entrance Information
SUA is an AdvancED (SACS) Accredited High School; therefore, students will receive an accredited diploma. The SUA diploma is accepted by post-secondary institutions, but students must also meet additional college requirements to be fully accepted. Such requirements are ACT scores and GPA. Some universities require a foreign language. It is the responsibility of the SUA senior to check the requirements of the college(s) he/she may wish to attend. Our Vice Principal is available to assist with this information.
SUA classrooms are equipped with up-to-date technology and equipment that enhances the learning environment.Classrooms are equipped with SmartBoards, digital cameras, and WiFi. A portable Computer Lab is equipped with laptop computers which enable students to do research, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Publisher and other current software which helps prepare them for college or the workforce.