Success Unlimited Academy is dedicated to teaching all children. Our Achievement classes focus on meeting students' special needs through individual lesson plans and one-on-one instruction. Our teachers and staff in this class are devoted to helping children reach their highest potential. If your child struggles academically and is one to two years below grade level, our Achievement Class may be the best place to help your child succeed.
All students follow a diploma completion track and will receive an accredited diploma after 24 credits are satisfactorily earned. With modifications, assistance, and a one-on-one environment, the goal of graduating becomes reality for our students.
Continuing Education Program for Special Needs Children, Post-high graduates
Young adults that graduate may attend our Continuing Education program the following year. This program is designed for students who are in need of a transition program from high school to a world of work or other training programs.
SUA is in the early planning stages of offering a new program, "PRESCHOOL PLUS." The reality of the dream is the opportunity to provide a program for special needs preschoolers in the River Region. Parents with children, ages 3-5 with cognitive and developmental delays, could enroll their child in either a two or four day program.
Educators with specific training in this field would work closely with the family to develop a plan that would be challenging, yet rewarding for the preschooler. Parents could feel confident that their child would be safe, encouraged and provided a unique learning environment. Please stay tuned for great things happening with this new program offered by Success Unlimited.